Welcome to NOKworld-trace on/dev/thomynet


  1. General
  2. NOKIA 61xx and communication over infrared (NCDS-Clone under Linux)
  3. Note for DOS and WINDOWS-developers or shareware-authors
  4. Specifications
  5. Software
  6. Tracelists
  7. Next steps
  8. Thanks to ...
  9. Sponsors of the project
  10. Contact


Here you can find some information about messages between nokia-handhelds over infrared. The information included in the moment traces from the infrared-area of two nokias. All traces are made with two NOKIA 6150 with software-version: V 4.12 , 02-12-98, NSM-1. and serial-number: .... ( no no it's not for your eyes ;-}). You find out your software-version if you enter *#0000# in your NOKIA 6150.


The traces are made under linux with a special software. The software is written by me and you find some information in the software-part of this document.

NOKIA 61xx and communication over infrared (NCDS-Clone under Linux)

Many peopels ask for ncds-clone under linux. Yes - a clone - or better: a very nice linux project exist: the name is Gnokii! You can find gnokii project under: http://multivac.fatburen.org/gnokii. The protocol is a special protocol from nokia. Most developments are work with a serial cable. I have wrote a patch to make gnokii fit for ir-connections. My patch based on some information where was posted from Colin Paton to the gnokii-mailinglist. You can read this informations in gnokii-ml-archive (reached over gnokii´s homepage). Look for the following messages: The ncds-protocol over infrared (or shortly: ir) is not irda-compilant! Only the protocol between two noks over ir is irda-compilant!
Both parts of communication starts with 9600 bps and 8N1. You can trace it with many programms.
The parts of ncds you can find in Colins posting and the other mails in thread and a little summary in my mail (look above for both places in the web). The parts between two noks you can find on this pages. I hope it´s a little help for you!
More informations you can find in the nokdocs-section.

Note for DOS and WINDOWS-developers or shareware-authors

High peopels from the other world! I publish the following informations in the hope what your world know OpenSourceSoftware.

I asked many peopel around the world for some information about NOKIA's and infrared-data-exchange between the handhelds. All the peopel who I asked has developed software (exclusive for WIN and DOS) for solving some problems - most for logo-transfer. But nobody has send me the required informations. Here are the most received answer in email: "It's my KnowHow! If you want use the feature buy my software - but my sourcecode I will never give you!" For all these peopel here are my answer: On this site everybody can read the required informations and can produce own software. The information are now open - sorry for your KnowHow! And I hope what peopel who works with my informations make free OpenSourceSoftware for everybody!

The same in german is:

Hallo Leute aus der anderen Welt! Ich veröffentliche die folgenden Informationen in der Hoffnung, daß Ihr den Begriff OpenSourceSoftware kennt.

Ich habe viele Leute weltweit nach Informationen zum Datenaustausch zwischen NOKIA's über Infrarot befragt. Alle Leute die ich fragte haben eigene Software (ausschließlich für DOS und WINDOWS) zur Lösung der verschiedenen Probleme geschrieben - die meisten für die Übertragung von Logos. Niemand wollte mir die benötigten Informationen geben um die ich gebeten habe. Die meisten Emails hatten die folgenden Antworten: "Das ist mein Wissen! Wenn Du die Fuktionalität haben willst kaufe meine Software. Den Quelltext werde ich Dir erst recht nicht geben!" Für alle diese Leute hier meine Antwort: Auf diesen Seiten kann jede(r) diese Informationen bekommen um dann seine eigene Software zu schreiben. Die Informationen sind nun verfügbar - Schade für Euer sorgsam gehütetes KnowHow! Ich hoffe und wünsche mir, daß die Leute, welche diese Informationen nutzen, frei verfügbare Programme inklusive des Quelltextes schreiben.


If you want understand the datatransfer you must have, read and understand (;-}) the following specifications (use the link under spec-name to go to the specification-description/download-area on the spec-publisher-factory/org. - I don't store the specs on my webspace):


I use a two way intercept/trace mechanism. With a first software I intercept the raw data from irda and write the bytestream to a file. On the second way I use a other program to decode the raw datastream from the file. This is not a realtime-trace but in my mind its a better way, because the most peopel don't have two nokias at the same time. With my way you can go to your girl/boy-friend and borrow the seconded needed handheld. Then you make all interested traces in 10 or 20 minutes and after this you can go with your friends into a pub and trink some beers or other ... On the next day you have only one handheld - but you have all the datas from interception on your harddisk. Now you can analyze the datas ...

Ok - you will download the sources of my programs? Please look at the software-page!


The following traces are made: Note: The receiving mobile don't understand the print - but the transmitting phone say: "Successful print!".
If you interested to look? Here you can find an old decoded trace.

Next steps

Thanks to

Thanks to John Chang for some informations and a good dos-program.

Sponsors of the project

This work is sponsored by ...

If you want sponsor my work please look for special information (english / german).


I'm very, very busy in the moment. Please contact me only for important questions or other important thinks. Please use only this mail-address for contact: nok-trace-men@dev-thomynet.de. Thank you very much!